EnviroMon Converters and Sensors
EnviroMon takes readings from a number of sensors. These sensors are connected to converters that transform the analogue signals from the sensor into digital signals: these digital signals can then be transmitted reliably and accurately to the logger over long or short distances.
Which converter is best for your application depends on what you wish to measure.
This page describes the general purpose converter.
EL037 General Purpose Converter (Voltage / Current Inputs)
The EL037 has 4 input channels when used with the EL005 logger (3 channels are available when used with the EL008), each channel can be be configured independently (using jumpers) to measure ±2.5 V, ±10 V or 4-20 mA. It can also route an external power supply (perhaps 12 V or 24 V, depending on the requirements of the input devices) to each of the input devices. Connections to the input channels are via screw terminals.
Range | Resolution | Accuracy |
±2.5 V | 16 bits + sign (40 µV per LSB) | ±0.2 % |
±10 V | 16 bts + sign (0.15 mV per LSB) | ±0.4 % |
4-20 mA | 16 bits (0.4 µA per LSB) | ±0.3 % |